I’m not even recommending his videos anymore, considering how out of line he’s gotten these days. I started to question his perspective on ethics and the treatment of others when he was talking about “desensitizing” Muslims by burning the Koran and drawing Muhammad, but back then I had no idea how bad it could get. Now that he’s grown bored of deliberately trying to piss off Muslims, he’s moved on to his new favorite hobbyhorse – misogyny and how it’s totally okay.

Apparently, he’s put up a brand new video about rape, and from what I’ve seen, it’s horrendous and triggery. I couldn’t get past minute 4, so I don’t recommend searching for it on Youtube to anyone who is sensitive to this subject matter, but the basic idea he’s trying to get across is that it’s ever so silly to demand that our society start teaching boys and men about what rape is and not to do it. To justify his reprehensible opinion on the matter, he goes from claiming that rape is a hardwired sexuality and comparing it to homosexuality, to claiming that rapists are horrible rapey monsters and you could never teach them not to rape anyway, to saying that this campaign of “don’t teach me to avoid being raped, teach him not to rape” is encouraging women not to take normal precautions against this crime.


I would have a million things to say in response to all of Thunderf00ts mansplaining bullshit, but it looks like it has been said before, and probably better than I ever could. Visit SomeGreyBloke’s blog here: http://somegreybloke.blogspot.com.es/


As for Thunderf00t himself, he should have stuck to what he knows – science that contradicts religious claims rather than social justice matters that he clearly doesn’t understand.